Magesh Ravi

Artist | Techie | Entrepreneur

How a Single Email Turned Words into $5480

"Words open doors."

"You can make anything by writing."

"The art of selling begins with the art of communication."

Frankly, I never believed in these lines and thought people used them to sell writing courses on Twitter.

I never believed them. But that changed in August 2022 when I emailed a prospective client and won a project worth $5k. Neither I nor the client knew each other before.

Here's what happened.

In August 2022, I stumbled upon a listing on for a web prototype builder. The requirement was to understand their needs, design a web interface, and build a front-end prototype.

Since 2011, I've analysed requirements, written user stories, designed user interfaces, and engineered them into existence. I thought this shouldn't be hard.

So, I wrote this email showcasing our previous works and a few screenshots of our "process". It helped me get to the interview and finally win the project.

Here is the original email.

That incident changed my perception of writing (specifically for sales). It's not the best email ever written, but it worked. I became a believer and a practitioner.

I take notes, journal, blog, summarise, pitch – something or the other as frequently as possible.

To this day, I occasionally write cold emails to prospective clients with varying degrees of success.

Nevertheless, I continue to write. You should, too.

Last updated: Dec. 24, 2024, 8:32 p.m.